There are so many ways to contribute to the Carlthorp community and each year we ask current families to make the school a philanthropic priority in the following ways:
The Annual Fund
The Annual Fund is our primary fundraising focus each fall and is a vital component of our operating budget. While tuition dollars cover approximately 82% of the cost of a Carthorp School education, the remainder is made up through tax-deductible gifts to the Annual Fund and other charitable contributions.

Scholarship Benefit and Auction
Each spring, Carlthorp families come together to enjoy a spectacular dinner and auction. This event is the main source of financial aid revenue for the school’s scholarship program with 100% of the net proceeds benefiting eligible students. Families can participate by purchasing tickets to the event, donating or purchasing auction items, and/or underwriting some portion of the event.

What does participation in the Annual Fund mean?

  • Every member of the Carlthorp School community is asked to contribute in the form of a pledge or donation.
  • Pledges may be scheduled for payment as late as May 31, 2025.
  • We ask that you participate at a level that is meaningful to both your family and to Carlthorp School.


List of 1 items.

  • Maureen Pollack

    Director of Advancement

If you have any questions, please contact:

Maureen Pollack
Director of Advancement
438 San Vicente Boulevard
Santa Monica, CA 90402
Phone: (310) 451-1332